Every person has their story
Abigail's Story
Abigail is a 17-year-old girl with ataxic cerebral palsy. She is entering the final years of school and wants to pursue a career in art. Abigail has issues with footwear fitting and tolerance, and no longer wishes to wear ankle foot orthoses, especially when she attends her semi-formal this year. She walks with parental support within the home but is wheelchair dependent in the community. Abigail is dependent for the majority of cares but wants to be able to feed herself and clean her own teeth.
Abigail loves sport but cannot find one that is inclusive. She has recently developed right shoulder pain with painting that is persistent and beginning to impact on her sleeping. Abigail has a manual wheelchair that is outgrown and beyond repair. Her parents are about to replace their family car. She has NDIS funding and her review is due shortly.
Abigail attends a specialist paediatric physiotherapist who is able to address the complexity of her needs and goals during her transition to adulthood and independence, and through direct intervention and collaboration with other providers and systems helps her achieve them.