Tim Austin

M.Sc.Med (pain) (Hon.) 2007
B.App.Sc.(physio.) 1991
Treatment and management of chronic pain conditions
Preventing acute to chronic pain
Pain Education for patients and clinicians
Truly integrated pain management in a team environment
Tim works in Private Practice in Sydney’s Inner West. He has always had a varied caseload from acute to chronic pain, which has provided him with a comprehensive understanding of pain in all its different presentations . He has always been involved inter-disciplinary pain management, for many years with Dr John Ditton, and more recently with Associate Professor Tillman Boesel and the team at the Inner West Pain Centre.
Tim has completed a Masters of Pain Management with Honours through the University of Sydney and currently teaches on this degree programme.
Tim has been actively involved with The Australian Pain Society for over a decade and he currently sits on the Executive of the Board as Treasurer.
Tim was instrumental in the establishment of the Pain Special Interest Group of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and is currently Chair of the National Committee of this group.
In 2021, Tim was the first physiotherapist in Australia to become a Specialist Pain Physiotherapist and be awarded Fellowship of the College of Physiotherapy.
Discuss career pathway in pain management