Judith Thompson

Judith Thompson

Specialist Men’s, Women’s and Pelvic Health physiotherapist (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapy in 2008). Dip (physio), Post grad Dip (Continence and Women’s

Specialisation Year: 2008
Areas of Interest:

Bladder Continence
Bowel Continence
Bladder pain
Bowel dysfunction
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pain with intercourse
Pudendal neuralgia
Interstitial cystitis
Pelvic pain
Post birth


Judith is a Specialist Continence and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist(as awarded by the Australian college of physiotherapists in 2008), with over 28 years clinical experience in continence, women’s, men’s and pelvic health. She completed a PhD in the use of realtime ultrasound in assessment of the pelvic floor in 2006 and she is considered as a leader in the area of pelvic pain and continence management.

She developed the Curtin University Clinical Physiotherapy Continence and Pelvic Health Master’s program and has presented at many national and international conferences. Currently as Adjunct Associate Professor at Curtin University she is involved in current research into pelvic pain, prolapse and incontinence and has published over 25 peer -reviewed papers in the field of pelvic health.


Continence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P. Levator plate movement during voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction in subjects with incontinence and prolapse: A cross sectional study and review. Int Urogynecol Jnl, 2003 12(4) 84-88.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Court S. A comparison between transperineal and transabdominal ultrasound in the assessment of women performing pelvic floor exercises Australian and New Zealand Continence Jnl, 2003 9(4) 92-93.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Court S. Assessment of pelvic floor movement using transabdominal and transperineal ultrasound. Int Urogynecol Jnl, 2005 16(4) 285-292.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Neumann P. Differences in muscle activation patterns during pelvic floor muscle contraction and Valsalva manoeuvre. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2006 25(2) 148-155.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Neumann P. Altered muscle activation patterns in symptomatic women during pelvic floor muscle contraction and Valsalva manoeuvre. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2006 25 (3) 268-76.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Neumann P. Assessment of voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction in continent and incontinent women using transperineal ultrasound, manual muscle testing and vaginal pressure measurements. Int Urogynecol Jnl, 2006, 17(6), 624-630.

Thompson J, O’Sullivan P, Briffa K, Neumann P. Comparison of transperineal and transabdominal ultrasound in the assessment of voluntary pelvic floor muscle contractions and functional manouevres in continent and incontinent women. Int Urogynecol Jnl 2007, 18(7):779-786.

Kelly M, Tan BK, Thompson J, Carroll S, Follington M, Arndt A, Seet M. Displacement and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles in healthy males and females: a comparison between standing and crook-lying. Aust J Physiother 2007, 53(3):187-191.

Whittaker J, Thompson J, Teyhen D, Hodges P, Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging: and the Pelvic Floor Muscles. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2007, 37(8):487-498.

Thompson J, Sherburn M, 2D Realtime ultrasound for pelvic floor muscle assessment. Aust J Physiothe 2011, 57(1) 59

Neumann P, Scammell A, Burnett A, Thompson J, Briffa NK, Training of Australia health care providers in pessary management for women with pelvic organ prolapse: outcomes of a novel program. Aust NZ continence Jnl, 2015, 21(1)

Beales D, Lutz A, Thompson J, Wand B, O’sullivan P, Disturbed body perception, reduced sleep, and kinesiophobia in subjects with pregnancy-related persistent lumbopelvic pain and moderate levels of disability: An exploratory study. Man Therapy, 2016, 69-75

Barton A, Serrao C, Thompson J Briffa NK, Transabdominal ultrasound to assess pelvic floor muscle performance during abdominal curl in exercising women. Int Urogynecol Jnl, Jul 28 2015, (epub ahead of print)

McKenzie S, Watson T, Thompson J Briffa NK . Stress urinary incontinence is highly prevalent in recreationally active women attending gyms or exercise classes. Int Urogynecol Jnl, Aug 2016, Vol 27, Issue 8, pp1175-1184. Epub 2016 Feb 10

Simpson S, Debble M, Thompson J, Andrews A, Briffa NK. Should women with incontinence and Prolapse do abdominal curls? Int Urogynecol Jnl, Oct 2016, Vol 27, Issue 10, pp 1507-1512. Epub 2016 April 1

Goetze E, McLean K, Thompson J, Jacques A, Briffa K. A scoping study of paediatric continence service provision in the Great Southerern Region of Western Australia. Aus and NZ Continence Jnl, Winter 2016, Vol 22 No2, pp 32-38.

Conlan L, Thompson J, Fary R. An exploration of the efficacy of telehealth in the assessment and management of stress urinary incontinence among women in rural locations. Aus and NZ Continence Jnl, Spring 2016, Vol 22 No3, pp 58-64.

Tinetti A,Weir N, Tangyotkajohn U, Jacques A, Thompson J, Briffa NK. Help seeking behaviour for pelvic floor dysfunction in community Dwelling women over 55 years of age: The drivers, barriers and presence of dysfunction. Int Urogynecol Jnl, 2018 Nov 29(11): 1645-1653. doi: 10.1007/s00192-018-3618-2. Epub 2018 Mar 19.

Stockil L, Thompson J, Briffa K, Smith A, Jacques A, Beales D, O’Sullivan P, Straker L. Urogenital symptoms: prevalence, bother, associations and impact in 22 year-old women of the Raine Study Int Urogynecol Jnl, 2018 Dec :29 (12) 1807-1815. doi: 10.1007/s00192-018-3639-x Epub 2018 Mar26

Graetz H, Briffa K Thompson J. An investigation of continence care in regional Australia: adherence to best practice, the patient journey and patient satisfaction. Aus and NZ Continence Jnl. Winter 2018. Vol 24 No2. pp36-42.

Locke, L, Neumann P, Thompson J, Briffa K, Evan, S. Outcomes and treatment associated with management of pelvic muscle pain with botulinum toxin and pelvic floor physiotherapy: results of a prospective audit of multidisciplinary practice. (Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal Winter 2019, Vol 25, No 2, pg 30-38)

James A, Thompson J, Neumann P, Briffa K. Neuroscience education seminar for women with chronic pelvic pain. (Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal- Winter 2019, Vol 25, No 2, pg 39-44)

Evans E, Falivene C, Henry A, Thompson J, Briffa K. What is the total impact of an obstetric anal sphincter injury at an Australian tertiary women’s hospital? A retrospective cohort investigation of women affected between 2009 – 2014. (Int Urogynecol J, 2020 Mar;31(3):557-566).

Pontifex A, Savin C, Park C, Filipe Nunes A, Chalmers JK, Neumann PB, Ng L, Thompson J “How might we screen for psychological factors in individuals with pelvic pain? An e-Delphi study” (Physical Therapy 2021 101:1-10 advanced access pub Feb 3 DOI :10.1093/ptj/pzab015)

Bosenburg A, Thompson J, Jacques A, Briffa K “Bladder and bowel symptoms following imprisonment in West Australian female prisons.”(International Journal of Prisoner Health-accepted 17th May 2021)

Telehealth? Yes
Practice Name: Pelvic Health Clinic, Body Logic Physiotherapy
Telephone: 0863317776
Available for Mentoring?: Yes
Mentoring Services:

One on one and group mentoring

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